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stereO - Stéréochimie et Réactivité Organique

Career path

1984 : PhD of Speciality at the University of Aix-Marseille
1984 : Recruted by the CNRS as Attaché de Recherche
1987 : PhD in Sciences at the University of Aix-Marseille
1988 : Postdoctoral reseach associate, University of California (Berkeley), supervisor: Prof K.P.C. Vollhardt
1989 : Promoted Chargé de Recherche de 1ère classe at CNRS
1992 : Habilitation at the University of Aix-Marseille
1998 : Promoted Directeur de Recherche at the CNRS
2002 : Nominated full Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille


1998 : Prize from ACROS-French Chemical Society in organic chemistry
2009 : Prize from the Société Chimique de France, Division Chimie Organique
2013 : Member of the Editorial Board of European Journal of Organic Chemistry
2013 : Distinguished Senior Member of the Société Chimique de France
2021 : Grand Prix de l'Académie des Sciences Emile Jungfleisch
2024 : Jianxing Honorary Professor of Zhejiang University of Thechnology (China)


Bachelor Degree in Chemistry
*Ionic and Polar Rearrangements in Organic Synthesis

Master Degree in Chemistry
*Strategies in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Retrosynthetic analysis, Total synthesis, Protection and Deprotection of functional groups)
*New Selective Multiple Bond-Forming Transformations (Metallo- and Organocatalyzed Consecutive, Domino and Multicomponent reactions)
*Recent Applications of enantioselective metallo- and organocatalysis in Organic Synthesis

Collaborations and groups

Dr Muriel AMATORE, Assitant Professor
Dr Damien BONNE, Assistant Professor
Dr Xavier BUGAUT, Full professor
Dr Thierry CONSTANTIEUX, Full Professor
Dr Yoann COQUEREL, Associate Researcher from the CNRS
Dr Adrien QUINTARD, Associate Researcher from the CNRS
Dr. Manuel BARDAY, Postdoctoral Research Associate (2022)
Dr. Expédite Yen-PON, Postdoctoral Research Associate (2022)
Pierre BOUILLAC, PhD student (2019-2022)
Birane DIOP, PhD student (2022)
Arthur GAUCHERAND, PhD student (2020-2023)
Na SHAO, PhD student (2020-2024)

Administrative responsabilities

1999-2007 : Member of Bureau National de la S F C, Division Chimie Organique
2000-2006 : Expert auprès du ministère dans le cadre de la MSTP4
2004-2007 : Director of the Reseach Unit SYMBIO
2006-2011 : Chargé de Mission à l'Institut de chimie du CNRS (section 12)
2008-2023 : Director of the Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille (iSm2)       

270 Publications