Service 541
04 13 94 56 75
Enseignant chercheur


1984 : PhD of Speciality at the University of Aix-Marseille
1984 : Recruted by the CNRS as Attaché de Recherche
1987 : PhD in Sciences at the University of Aix-Marseille
1988 : Postdoctoral reseach associate, University of California (Berkeley), supervisor: Prof K.P.C. Vollhardt
1989 : Promoted Chargé de Recherche de 1ère classe at CNRS
1992 : Habilitation at the University of Aix-Marseille
1998 : Promoted Directeur de Recherche at the CNRS
2002 : Nominated full Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille


1998 : Prize from ACROS-French Chemical Society in organic chemistry
2009 : Prize from the Société Chimique de France, Division Chimie Organique
2013 : Member of the Editorial Board of European Journal of Organic Chemistry
2013 : Distinguished Senior Member of the Société Chimique de France
2021 : Grand Prix de l'Académie des Sciences Emile Jungfleisch


Bachelor Degree in Chemistry
*Ionic and Polar Rearrangements in Organic Synthesis

Master Degree in Chemistry
*Strategies in Synthetic Organic Chemistry (Retrosynthetic analysis, Total synthesis, Protection and Deprotection of functional groups)
*New Selective Multiple Bond-Forming Transformations (Metallo- and Organocatalyzed Consecutive, Domino and Multicomponent reactions)
*Recent Applications of enantioselective metallo- and organocatalysis in Organic Synthesis

Responsabilités administratives

1999-2007 : Member of Bureau National de la S F C, Division Chimie Organique
2000-2006 : Expert auprès du ministère dans le cadre de la MSTP4
2004-2007 : Director of the Reseach Unit SYMBIO
2006-2011 : Chargé de Mission à l'Institut de chimie du CNRS (section 12)
2008- 2023 : Director of the Institut des Sciences Moléculaires de Marseille (iSm2)

270 Publications